Over the last couple years, travel has been dramatically reduced and restricted. As the restrictions are being adjusted and lifted, more people realize the importance of traveling to feed their souls. 2025 will be a year of Bucket List Travel for many people. Bookings for later in the year are already rising, and we’ve barely started the new year!
There are so many articles and news stories about how younger generations choose to remain childless or continue renting instead of the more traditional idea of buying the house with the white picket fence in the suburbs. Some experts point to moral deficits, while others point to the economy.
A similar shift is in sight with Millenials and Gen-Z and dating vs. travel. According to TravelPulse, many young Americans consider travel more important than dating. As more people are forced to enjoy their own company and the ever the changing workplace environment where working from home is the norm, people are realizing they have dreams to fulfill.
Travel currently holds a higher value in young people’s priority lists than any other idea, concept, or piece of property for nearly half of the American population. It would seem that this year is the year to jump on attempting to fulfill our bucket list. We’re seeing more calls for plans and goals for the new year than the ritualistic new year resolutions on social media and several blogging platforms.
We all have our “if money didn’t matter, where would you go” dreams. We have experiences we want to go through, places to see, and people to meet before, well… we kick the bucket. Hence where the term bucket list came from.
It would seem that more and more people are taking these bucket lists and putting them ahead of all else this year. About half of the people surveyed said they’d be making these planned trips with friends or a significant other, while the other half intend to travel with established family or flying solo.
It’s still early, but the bookings and reservations have been trickling in for trips already this year. With higher confidence levels and preventative care, borders are opening up more and Americans are eager to travel abroad again. According to Planetware.com these are some of the top rated bucket list travel destinations for most people:
All of the top locations listed above are wonderful to experience and while many of them are not our main speciality, we can still help you get there.
All In Vacay mainly specializes in tropical travel, but it’s also at the top of a lot of people’s bucket lists. There’s something special about white sands, blue waters, and the salty breeze whispering through the palm trees. Many people are drawn to these tropical locations and for good reason. We have personal experience and some of the best expertise in Hawaii, Mexico, Costa Rica, and many other tropical locations. There are also plenty of vacations you can enjoy this year without ever needing your passport. The US has some amazing places that are also ideal for bucket list travel. Bring us your bucket list and we’ll help make it happen!
For those who are newly engaged and are thinking about doing something very different, consider a destination wedding. Doing a destination wedding can help you mark off your bucket list items AND tie the knot in a bucket list destination at the same time. If this is something you’re considering, check out our recent blog discussing tips on how to plan a destination wedding. Then, when you’re ready, reach out to us about our destination wedding options for more information.
Tell us what destinations are on your bucket list, and follow us on Facebook to learn more about the best values and special rates coming out this year for your bucket list travel destinations. Remember, the best way to secure your dream vacation or bucket list travel experience is to start planning and booking early. Contact us today to get started.
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